You don't need to download a file to your computer.
- Once your signature has been created, click on "COPY SIGNATURE" or "COPY CODE".
- Go to your email adress Settings find a the 'Signature' tab; it will be presented as a text processor.
These are your 2 options to set up your signature:
Option 1
It is the equivalent of a "Copy-paste" for an image or text. Paste (CTRL-V) your copied signature into the text processor; your signature will be displayed.
Option 2
This technique is a little more complicated because it requires you to manipulate the HTML code.
In your email address settings, right-click in the text area, then click on "Inspect". Find <div> (which is highlighted in blue in the code), click on it; then, right-click on <br> and click on "Edit HTML". Following the <br>, paste the copied code (CTRL-V), and click on "Enter". The signature will display.
You cannot set up a new email signature using a mobile device; you must do it using a PC.
How do I install my new signature in my Outlook email?
Step 1:
- Log into your FreeLogoDesign and go to Email signature.
- Click on ¨COPY SIGNATURE¨. Your signature will be copied into your clipboard.
Step 2:
- Open Outlook. From the menu bar, select "File" and click on "Options".
Step 3:
Click on Mail in the left pane and ensure that “HTML” is selected in the “Compose in this message format” section in the right pane, then click the Signatures button.
Step 4:
Click New. Type a name for the new signature, and then click OK.
If you just want to change an existing email signature, select the signature you want to edit.
Step 5:
Click in the Edit Signature box and paste (or press CTRL+V) your new or updated email signature. On the right side of the window, select if the email signature should automatically appear for new messages and/or replies and forwards. Click OK on all windows until you are back at the main Outlook window. Click to create a new email and check out your new signature!
Note: The Email signature can't be set up in a mobile. It can only be done on the web version for desktop.